Your Old Car Can Help Save Lives

charity car donation, donate a car movement, donate and help the cancer fund of americaWhen I was working in a Telecom company, the management imposes certain rules for service vehicles to be followed by the employees. As corporate solutions engineers, we were issued service cars to aid in doing our jobs especially when dealing with external clients. Back then, I was granted the authority to drive a Samurai 4x4 ride and had the privilege to take it home with me after work hours. Well it's not a brand new ride and it has been passed down to me by previous employees who left the company. In fact, the Samurai was turning 10 years old and a candidate for disposal.

I wonder where all these terminated cars go once they have reached their maximum allowable service lives. It could be noble if they will just be donated to charity instead of putting them to junk yards. In the United States, there are a lot of institutions whose main advocacy is charity car donation centered to helping the unfortunate. One foundation supports the Cancer Fund of America every time you donate car. The Children's Wish Foundation Program International also has their own vehicle donation program in which proceeds help deserving children fulfill their wishes. Please let us all support causes like this automobile donate to charity campaign.