I was a Victim of Theft in the Jeepney!

Just moments ago while I’m in the jeep, my phone was stolen. I was on my way to iQor (my previous company) to complete my clearance so I can get my last paycheck. That was around 6:30 in the evening just after I got out from work. I absolutely wasn’t aware of that ‘til some people inside the jeep told me that someone took my phone and quickly stepped out of the jeep. I have an instinct though that those people who told me that were in connivance to the person who took my phone. It was only after that incident when I realized their tactics.

Here’s the “modus operandi”: The person in front of me dropped his coin, and then upon picking up the coin, he tapped my leg (Probably just to put my attention there). And then voila! Before I knew it, my phone’s gone. Well, the modus doesn’t end there, another person from the jeep (one of the accomplice.) told me that the person who just stepped out took something from me. (See? If that person really is concerned about the situation, he could have told me the moment he noticed it, right?) . They told me to run after the guy and they even described to me how he looks like.

My conlusion: One of the persons who are still in the jeepney still has my phone but as much as I want to inspect the persons inside and look for it, I thought then that if I do that, I might put my life at risk because if they will get caught, they might do "something " out of desperations to escape, right? (When I say "something", I thought of blood, stabbing, me being rushed to the hospital or even, me DEAD.)

Damn! How the hell did he do that without me really noticing it?!? He must have done that for years and everyday he keeps on perfecting it. Sigh! The lesson? TRUST YOUR INSTINCTS! While in public, be sensitive to your surroundings especially to the person adjacent or near to you. Before I found out that my phone was missing, I already felt some movements on my thigh near my pocket but I didn’t put much attention on it. Lastly, TRUST NO STRANGERS!