Secrets to Successful Blogging

Google recently updated and as you can see, there have been a lot of changes on website's page rank. I am just so happy that I got back my ranking (PR3) and to those of you who are not aware to the wonders of blogging, having a high ranking means getting big bucks ($$). From the time that I started blogging, I have always done studies and research on how I can improve my site's performance particularly on making it SEO (Search Engine Optimization) friendly.

There are a lot of secrets on how to optimize your site and make it more appealing to readers and search engines. The most common SEO tip is by building backlinks. The more you spread your link all over the web means the more chances of it getting noticed and therefore, more traffic will hit you back. I was reading tips and advices on webmaster resources and article directory at Zeronese and I learned a lot of advices on how to increase website hits.

Backlinks are the most essential part of your website since they are the primary source of traffic. So if you want your page to get back on track, work on it through linking.