Mom's Obsession to Flowers

Flower Designs for the Holidays, Poinsettia for Christmas, Flower BouquetsMy mom loves flowers just as any other girls do. Actually, her garden is filled with many colorful blossoming plants and would you believe she even talks to them? Mom told me that the flowers started producing gorgeous blooms from the time she started talking to them. I was just like: "ok ok, alright!" I just wish no one sees her because they might think she's a retard (laughs).

While I was having dinner last night at a nearby mall, I saw sets of flower bouquets on sale displayed at a nearby shop inside the mall. On the spur of the moment, I finished my meal and went on to join the crowd as I might find some beautiful stuff to add up on our Christmas decorations at home. But I realized I am not really good when it comes to choosing flower designs so I decided to just bring my mom to the shop some other time so she can choose which flowers she likes.